
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Management Bean.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
eventProvider boolean R False MBean Attribute.
statisticsProvider boolean R True MBean Attribute.
objectName java.lang.String R jboss.management.local:J2EEServer=Local,ResourceAdapter=JMS Adapter,j2eeType=JCAResource,name=JmsXA MBean Attribute.
stats javax.management.j2ee.statistics.Stats R JCAStats[(JCAConnectionStats[]), (org.jboss.management.j2ee.statistics.JCAConnectionPoolStatsImpl [ {CreateCount=[ 0:CreateCount(description: The number of connection creates, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 1733400413050) ], FreePoolSize=BoundedRangeStatistics[ [low: 0, high: 20, current: 20]FreePoolSize(description: The free connection count, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 1733400413051), BoundryStatistics[ 0, 20, FreePoolSize(description: The free connection count, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 0) ] ], UseTime=[ Count: 0, Min. Time: 0, Max. Time: 0, Total Time: 0, Request Rate: 0.0, UseTime(description: Time spent using the connection, units: MILLISECOND, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 0) ], PoolSize=BoundedRangeStatistics[ [low: 0, high: 0, current: 0]PoolSize(description: The connection count, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 1733400413050), BoundryStatistics[ 0, 20, PoolSize(description: The connection count, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 0) ] ], WaitTime=[ Count: 0, Min. Time: 0, Max. Time: 0, Total Time: 0, Request Rate: 0.0, WaitTime(description: Time spent waiting for a connection to be available, units: MILLISECOND, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 0) ], WaitingThreadCount=[low: 0, high: 0, current: 0]WaitingThreadCount(description: The number of threads waiting for a connection, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 0), CloseCount=[ 0:CloseCount(description: The number of connection closes, units: 1, startTime: 1733400413050, lastSampleTime: 1733400413050) ]} ])] MBean Attribute.
connectionFactories [Ljava.lang.String; R
MBean Attribute.
parent java.lang.String RW MBean Attribute.
stateManageable boolean R False MBean Attribute.

List of MBean operations:

void addChild()

MBean Operation.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
p1 javax.management.ObjectName (no description)

void resetStats()

MBean Operation.

java.lang.String getconnectionFactory()

MBean Operation.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
p1 int (no description)

void removeChild()

MBean Operation.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
p1 javax.management.ObjectName (no description)